Our Mission
Our mission is to bring young men and women to Jesus Christ, through full participation in the life of the Church, challenging them to be faithful disciples, equipping them for their vocation and Christian mission in the world. We serve area collegiate students including SD Mines, University Center, SDSU-Nursing, and Western Dakota Technical College.
Although the new building opened in 2013, the Center has served the spiritual, social, and leadership formation needs of Catholic students at SD Mines and area collegiate institutions for over 40 years! Our Christ centered activities continue to attract students who want to foster true friendships. Our FOCUS missionaries reach out to the college age students and foster their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our Founder
St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
Our Staff
Kassi Jolley, Director of Facilities
Krista Thomas, Director of Development
Newman Club Faculty Advisor
Dr. Peter Adcock
Our Newman Club Officers
President - Vincent Benzmiller
Vice President - Brett Elkin
Treasurer - Walter Markle
Secretary - Tanner Becker
Event Coordinator - Makayla Beulke
Public Relations -
Our 2023-2024 FOCUS Team
Trevor Wayman - Team Director
Tanner Hoerter
Molly Jo Schmitz
Alice Major
Center Hours
(updated August 31, 2023)
Center Open
M-F - 8am - 10pm;
Saturday and Sunday 10am - 10pm
Mass Times
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday at 12noon
Thursday & Sunday at 7pm
Friday 11am
Sunday 6pm
Sunday: Supper at 5pm
Monday: Sursum Corda at 7pm